Learning How To Meditate
Dr Larry Cohen, Voorhees NJ Therapist and Life Coach (856) 352-5428 Contact NJ Therapy & Life Coaching
Why should I meditate? I have many clients who have found meditation to be a valuable tool for experiencing feelings of peace and calm. If you suffer from anxiety, meditation can calm your mind. If you have racing thoughts, meditation can calm them or even eliminate them. Meditating allows you to stop the world for a moment and experience inner peace and even joy.
You may have heard other people talk about the benefits of meditation and how it positively impacts their lives. But how do you meditate? Here is a step-by-step guide to help you learn how to meditate.
First, select a peaceful place to meditate. A quiet space where no one will disturb you would be optimal. Then, comfortably sit on a chair or floor pillow. cushion or a chair. Make sure your back is straight, but don’t strain your body.
Next, decide how long you plan to meditate. If you’ve never meditated before, you should meditate for just a few minutes. You can increase how long you meditate as you gain experience over time. You need to feel comfortable and not in a rush.
Then, close your eyes or keep them focused on a single place in front of you. This allows you to reduce any distractions and look inward, reflecting on yourself.
Focus on your breathing and become aware of the feelings you have when you breathe in and breathe out. Or, focus on a different action, such as the rise and fall of your chest. Feel the air as it comes into your mouth or nose.
Thoughts or distractions may come about as you meditate. Instead of lingering on them, allow yourself to be non-judgmental and see these things float away as you refocus on your breathing.
When you are meditating, be aware of your surroundings and what is happening as you sit in quiet meditation. Work to be fully engaged in the present moments as they pass, but allow them to quietly pass away without being judgmental or attached to them.
It is crucial to let go of all judgment and develop compassion for yourself and your surroundings. Let self-judgment float away as you get in touch with who you are underneath your past and everyday experiences.
When you are finished meditating, feel the peace of the moment as you slowly return to the day. Think about the clarity and peace you discovered while meditating. Realize that meditation helps you reflect on who you are and be grateful for life itself. Recognize that the time you have spent in meditation is a part of self-care, and practicing self-care will increase feelings of self-worth. You are telling yourself that you are valuable and worth attending to.
Over time, you will discover the meditation style that is most joyful and comfortable for you. Learn more by reading Meditation and Self-Care. If you struggle to let go of your everyday worries and judgments, continue to meditate over time. This will allow you to discover your own path toward peace.
Recommended reading: What is ADd? and Setting Family Boundaries.
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